Employment and Skills Prioritised at GLL

Charitable social enterprise GLL is a 31 year old staff owned workers' co-op that is also proudly a Real Living Wage employer, holder of Investers in People Gold accreditation and Disability confident.
We deliver leisure, library and cultural services on behalf of 60+ local authority partners in 375 facilities. As a not-for-profit with 11,500 people, our commitment to social value, democracy and community impact is established and proven via the delivery of £445-million of social value through community programs and initiatives.
The pandemic created a unique opportunity for change and learning. At a time of uncertainty for our people, organisation care and transparent communication became a priority, with regular updates and human connection, fostering a strong psychological contract between our people and organisation.
There was an understanding of the need to reset, reassure and clarify our goals by developing a 5-year strategy, Creating our Future 2023-27 with our people’s involvement and agreement. This has enabled our people to deepen that connection and reflect it in their efforts, contributions, views, trust, pride and business performance.
GLL’s focus on our people is therefore paramount and we have worked hard to ensure that every employee understands their contribution to the organisation’s success.
With a diverse workforce ranging from nursery and library assistants to fitness instructors and people practitioners, we ensure that all employees align with our values and see the impact of their roles at local meetings and national communications days. The emphasis on training, development, and career progression opportunities supports employees in being their best and happiest at work, aligning with our More than a Job value and ambition to be the best social enterprise employer in the UK.
GLL’s extensive L&D offer includes work funded qualification courses, induction, CPD, professional qualifications and apprentices. With 177 apprentices across various levels, our apprenticeship levy (78% drawdown) is used to support workforce up-skilling and earnt recognition as a finalist for the UK Active Award Educator of the Year in 2023 as well as our People Director being a finalist in the Individual Outstanding Leadership Award (UK Active 2024).
We have undergone a collaborative project to revise our EDI policy that captures the power of a diverse workforce leading to increased awareness, accountability and impact. Our annual plan ensures action to continuously improve, monitor, influence recruitment and training strategies and communicate our progress. Currently, 42% of GLL’s leaders are women and a positive Gender Pay Report puts women’s median pay 6% ahead; Minority ethnic representation in our workforce is strong. There is continuous accountability and discussion for improvement in user and workforce representation.
We have re-developed relationships with DWP, Job Centres, schools, employability organisations, such as Street League, Prince’s Trust and Change Please to name a few, which has also helped to boost the image of jobs in leisure, provide routes to employment, employment choice (through our You Choose initiative), work experience, and a pipeline of talented people. We have created a highly trained and skilled workforce and focused on the core skills needed by our workforce and leaders to deliver change and momentum.
GLL’s introduction of its National ‘You Choose’ programme ensures that every employee can choose how they work with us, either as a permanent or full/part-time contracted employee or a flexible employee. The programme was developed in consultation with our workforce and it became evident that for some flexibility to fit working arrangements around further education or family commitments was important, while for others, stability and structure were the priorities.
A case-in-point is Imogen Loucas, who started her career journey with GLL on a flexible contract five years ago, working as a library assistant in the London Borough of Bromley, while completing an undergraduate degree. A rapid career trajectory, supported by her GLL managers today sees Imogen employed as a permanent member of staff, working as a library manager in Balham.
As part of Imogen’s career pathway GLL part sponsored a master’s degree in ‘Libraries and Information Science’ at University College, enabling Imogen to secure additional academic qualifications, which would have otherwise been financially prohibitive. Imogen sees her long-term future with our organisation explaining that: “I want to work somewhere that sees the potential in me”.
GLL have been working with Street League on their employability programme in Croydon since March 2022. To further enhance the partnership, we created the GLL X Street League Industry project, this incorporates work placement to give those on the scheme a flavour of what it’s like to work in the sport and leisure industry.
In 2022 GLL welcomed 17 young people from across various London Boroughs to presentations on GLL, our charitable social enterprise messaging and what it’s like working in the industry. The participants went on to complete work placements across six London boroughs. After this, a group wrap up and summary of the programme was completed along with mock interviews, individual presentations from the young people on their experiences and a small graduation ceremony.
Eight of the young people were invited back for formal interviews with all either being successful with either Flexible or Permanent positions.
Working in partnership with Princes Trust, GLL held an open day on 28th May 2024 at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester. The day consisted of Introductions to GLL and The Princes Trust, roles and pathways within GLL, a tour of the centre a trial BMX session, and finished with 1:1 informal chats with members of GLL management teams.
The scheme included an induction day, two days of employability skills workshops, taster days that took place across GLL centres which included meet and greet your buddy and the centre teams, and induction for upcoming work placements. Participants had work placements across a range of roles within the Leisure Centre and also incorporated a five day National Pool Lifeguard Qualification.
On Thursday 20th June we congratulated their achievements with a celebration event with presentations and certificates at Moss Side Leisure Centre. 33 people attended the event including the young people, their family members and friends, representatives from the Princes Trust, GLL Managers and staff who have supported the programme.
The celebration event was a fantastic opportunity to wrap up what had been a great three weeks of delivery and recognised the achievements of the young people and those who had been involved in the programme. The programme was a huge success with all candidates being offered and accepting employment opportunities within GLL.